
Happy Halloween from our Bangor Injury Lawyers

Newscasters are predicting the scariest of ghost and goblins for this year’s Halloween. They’re also predicting some serious dangers for pedestrian and trip and fall accidents, too.

We can make a change to prove them wrong though. In past years, Halloween has been the number one most dangerous night for pedestrians and child injuries — more dangerous than any other night of the year. Our Bangor injury lawyers are asking everyone to have a safe Halloween and to follow a few safety precautions, brought to you by WCSH6:sIf you’re heading out and going trick-or-treating this year, you want to make sure that your child’s costume is safe. Make sure that swords, knives, and similar costume accessories are short, soft, and flexible. Put children in safe and comfortable shoes. Sneakers are your best option. Never trick-or-treat alone or allow your child to do so. Make sure there is always a responsible adult with every group of children. Costumes should be secure and they should have no loose ends. Loose ends can be trip and fall hazards and they can also be easy targets for catching fire near jack-o-lanterns. Try to get your child a flame-resistant costume. You want to keep an eye on your surroundings and you want to teach your child to do so as well. That’s why we recommend face paint instead of masks. Bulky masks can cut off your child’s vision.

Before heading out, make sure that your child has been fed. You never want them to go out on an empty stomach. When they’re hungry, they’re more likely to snack on their candy goods. You don’t want candy to be consumed until you have inspected it to make sure it’s safe.

Before you head out on your journey, plan a safe route. You want to choose a trick-or-treating area that is well-lit and one that has sidewalks. Children and parents should only cross the street by using crosswalks or should cross at street corners. If there are vehicles at the intersection, don’t assume that you have the right of way. Always make eye contact with drivers before crossing.

Be careful where you walk. Never jump out from behind, or in front of, parked cars. You also want to avoid walking through people’s yard. Halloween decorations can serve as serious trip and fall accidents. Only walk on sidewalks and on driveways.

When approaching homes, you want to make sure that your child knows not to go into the home of anyone who they don’t know. Warn them about the dangers of unfamiliar pets. Never approach a dog that you don’t know.

Once you get home, look through your child’s entire bag of candy. Remove any of it that is homemade, has been tampered with, is not in a wrapper, is expired, or is in an old and faded wrapper. Remember your child’s allergies and also make sure that all candies that are small and hard are removed. These candies can be choking hazards.

Drivers are asked to be safe, too. Be on the lookout for witches and superheroes along our roadways. Drive slowly and be alert in residential neighborhoods. Kids don’t always understand the dangers that are associated with vehicles. Don’t assume they’ll stay out of your way.

Happy Halloween from out Bangor injury lawyers!

Contact the experienced injury lawyers at Peter Thompson & Associates if you or someone you love has been injured in an accident. Call 1-800-804-2004 for a confidential consultation to speak to an attorney about your case.

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