
Holiday Driving Safety

The holidays can be a perfect storm of opportunity for motor vehicle accidents. Often, the weather creates poor road and driving conditions. People are in a rush to get from place to place. Alcoholic beverages are often part of celebrations.

This week, the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration issued a press release kicking off the agency’s annual crackdown on holiday drunk driving. Secretary Ray Lahood encouraged local enforcement agencies to adopt the tough “No Refusal” enforcement strategy. States employing this policy allow officers to obtain quick warrants from judges for blood tests when a breathalyzer is refused. According to the Secretary “Drunk driving remains a leading cause of death and injury on our roadways . . . I applaud the efforts of the law enforcement officials who have pioneered the ‘No Refusal’ approach to get drunk drivers off our roads. And I urge other states to adopt this approach to make sure that drunk drivers can’t skirt the law and are held accountable.”

This holiday season, remember to drive safely and soberly. If you have been injured in an accident with an impaired driver, and have questions, contact the team at Peter Thompson and Associates. We have handled thousands of similar claims and recovered millions of dollars for our clients. For a consultation call 1-800-917-1784 or read more on our website,, on our car accident practice page.

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