
Maine Food Poisoning Lawsuits Following Salmonella Contamination

Salmonella is a common bacterium associated with many food-related illnesses in the United States. There are many challenges with containing the bacteria because it cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. Despite the benign presentation of food products containing salmonella, the consequences of ingesting it are often severe. The bacteria often result in salmonellosis, an illness marked by severe gastrointestinal distress, including vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramping. Individuals who suffered illness related to contaminated foods should contact a Maine product liability attorney to discuss options for recovering for their losses.

Although salmonella infections occur infrequently, the contamination can cause serious illnesses leading to hospitalization and even death. Salmonella poisoning is particularly dangerous for medically vulnerable individuals. These populations include pregnant individuals, infants, older adults, and those undergoing treatment for cancer and other serious conditions. Many infections stem from foods processed with contaminated meat and nut butter, raw eggs, dairy products, raw or undercooked meat, and raw fruits and vegetables. Salmonella poisoning occurs more often in the warmer temperatures, as the bacteria grow faster with heat. Further, many people consume a more substantial amount of raw fruits, vegetables and undercooked meats during the warmer months.

For instance, according to a recent news report, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently advised consumers to discard peaches that they believe carry salmonella. After nearly 70 people suffered illnesses related to salmonella contamination, the FDA discovered that the common denominator was peaches packed by a specific company. The packing company explained that the majority of their peaches were sold to one grocery chain, Aldis, but they were distributed to others across 16 states. FDA officials explained that determining the cause of contamination is challenging because contamination can occur at any step of distribution, including picking, transporting, packing, handling, and unloading.

Maine food poisoning and contamination lawyers can assist individuals in holding the responsible party or entities liable. These cases require a significant amount of evidence, and an attorney can help victims gather and present their claims in an effective manner. Individuals should gather relevant medical records documenting their illness. Some essential pieces of information are hospital treatment records, medical test results, and health department records. Further, individuals should try to save any potentially contaminated food products and thoroughly document symptoms and treatment.

Have You Suffered Food Poisoning in Maine?

If you or someone you know has suffered serious illness after consuming contaminated food or drinks, you should contact the Maine product liability attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates. The attorneys at our law firm have extensive experience successfully handling food poisoning lawsuits on behalf of injury victims. In addition to food poisoning lawsuits, our attorneys have obtained significant awards on behalf of clients in their car and truck lawsuits, nursing home abuse claims, and slip and fall lawsuits. Compensation in these cases often include payments for medical expenses, ongoing treatment, lost wages and benefits, loss of support, diminished quality of life, and pain and suffering. Contact our office at 800-804-2004 to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney on our team.

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