
Maine Texting and Driving Car Accidents

It is fair to say that most drivers in the United States understand the dangers associated with using a mobile device while operating a vehicle. However, despite the well-known dangers of distracted driving, motorists continue to reach for their phones while driving. In response to the growing concern of distracted drivers, Maine enacted distracted driving laws that carry significant penalties. Additionally, those who have suffered injuries in an accident with a distracted driver may pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver.

Texting and driving are responsible for nearly 400,000 traffic accident deaths every year in the country. Although drivers of all ages engage in this risky behavior, teenage drivers are more likely to cause an accident because of distracted driving. Texting and driving is a somewhat recent phenomenon, but the concept of distracted driving predates mobile devices. Historically distracted driving involved cases where the at-fault driver was changing the radio, conversing with a passenger in the back seat, eating, or putting on makeup. However, those actions are nowhere near as deadly as texting and driving.

Texting and the need to respond quickly can be a compulsion that requires a driver’s visual, gross motor, and cognitive attention. A texting driver uses all of those skills on texting instead of paying attention to the roadway. Maine’s distracted driving statute focuses primarily on novice drivers and a ban on texting for all motorists. The law prohibits teenage drivers from interacting with a cell phone or handheld device while driving a vehicle. Those who fail to abide by this law risk causing a serious accident.

For instance, local news reports described a Maine distracted driving accident involving a teenager. The 17-year-old was using his mobile device when he ran through a stop sign and slammed into a pickup truck. Both the teen driver and 62-year-old pickup truck driver suffered injuries and received treatment at the accident scene. The teenager was driving on an interim license and will face fines and potential license suspension. Fortunately, the accident did not result in any fatalities, but these situations can quickly turn deadly.

After a Maine distracted driving accident, injury victims may suffer serious and long-term damages that take away their ability to engage in activities of daily living or gainful employment. In these situations, injury victims should contact an attorney to discuss their rights and remedies.

Have You Suffered Injuries in a Maine Car Accident?

If you or someone you love has suffered injuries in a Maine car accident, the attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates can help. The Maine injury lawyers at our office have extensive experience successfully advocating on behalf of and representing accident victims and their families. We understand the devastating toll that these accidents can have on many parts of a victim’s life. As such, we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients recover the damages the law entitles them. Our firm handles Maine accidents stemming from slip-and-falls, motor vehicle accidents, amusement park injuries, defective products, and medical malpractice. Contact our office at 800-804-2004 for a free and confidential consultation with an accident attorney on our team.

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