
Third-Party Claims After Maine Workplace and Construction Accidents

Those who suffer injuries at a construction site or shipyard, may recover damages for their injuries and losses. Maine workplace accident cases are often complex because they entail a complicated interplay of various statutes and regulations. Maine shipyards and construction sites are some of the most dangerous workplaces. These premises often have heavy-duty machinery and dangerous features that present hazards to anyone in the vicinity. Further, because of the various parties working at these locations, the sites often lead to chaos, and the inattention to detail can have disastrous consequences. These accidents can lead to broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and death. For example, news reports recently described a Maine shipyard’s worker crane accident. The victim suffered severe injuries requiring several surgeries while working with a crane at the shipyard.

The most common types of Maine shipyard and construction site accidents involve automotive and crane accidents, scaffolding accidents, trench collapses, burns, equipment failures, and toxin exposure. In some cases, non-exempt employees may pursue claims against their employer through the state’s workers’ compensation program. However, employers and co-workers are typically immune from liability. As such, the law permits injury victims and their loved ones to pursue third-party lawsuits against any other negligent party involved in the accident.

Some common examples of third-party negligence involve accidents that occur because of the negligent design or manufacturer of safety equipment, the use of toxic materials in construction projects, faulty engineering plans, the failure to want of dangerous conditions, motor vehicle accidents caused by third-parties, and defective machinery. Although workers may recover a portion of their damages through the workers’ compensation program, the amount is rarely enough to cover the extent of the victim’s damages. Further, workers’ compensation does not allow for the award of pain and suffering damages. Pain and suffering is a real, traumatic consequence of many accidents. Damages for pain and suffering are appropriate to compensate the victim for the injury’s emotional and physical stress.

Although the law permits third-party claims, these lawsuits are often complex and require an experienced attorney’s assistance. It is also important to note that a victim may need to reimburse the workers’ compensation insurer settlements the victim obtains from a personal injury lawsuit.

Have You Suffered Injuries at a Maine Construction Site?

If you or someone you love has suffered serious injuries or died in a Maine workplace accident, contact Peter Thompson & Associates for assistance. The Maine injury attorneys at our law firm have a long-standing reputation for providing clients with respect, compassion, and zealous representation on their behalf. Our skilled attorneys understand the complex interplay of the various laws that go into these cases. We have recovered significant amounts of compensation on behalf of our clients through our legal acumen and dedication. Compensation in these cases often includes payment for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages and benefits, pain and suffering, and funeral and burial expenses. Contact our office at 1-800-804-2004, to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney at our law firm.

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