
Winter Weather Driving Tips

As the weather turns colder and winter storms approach, it is a good time to refresh our memory with winter driving tips. As the saying goes “first is worst” meaning the first storm is always the most dangerous on the roads because we are out of practice driving in stormy conditions. Taking a little time to prepare our vehicles and review driving safety measures are good steps toward preventing accidents and injuries.

The guys at Car Talk have listed their recommendations for winterizing your car on their website.

While driving, keep in mind that stopping distance on snow and ice can be longer than on dry pavement. Avoid tailgating. Budget extra time to get to your destination so that you aren’t tempted to go faster than is safe. Distracted driving is always a hazard, but in particular in bad weather, focus on driving. Don’t talk on your phone, put on your makeup, or play with the radio. For more tips, the Maine Secretary of State’s office has publised advice on driving in ice and snow on their website.

Even in winter conditions, all drivers have a duty to maintain control of their vehicles. If you have been injured in accident during a storm, and it was not your fault, don’t assume that because the weather was bad, there is nothing you can do. The team at Peter Thompson and Associates has handled thousands of similar cases. For a consultation, contact us at 1-800-917-1784 or read more on our website,, on our car accident practice page

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