
Maine Swimming Pool Accidents and Accidental Drownings

Amidst COVID-19 concerns, parents are trying to find engaging, stimulating, and safe ways to keep their children occupied during the summer. One of the most popular activities that children can continue to participate in during this challenging time is swimming. However, Maine swimming pool accidents are a frequent and tragic occurrence, and pool owners and parents must understand the risks and liability of this activity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and a new report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), swimming accidents are the leading cause of unintentional death for children between the ages of 1 to 4. New data by the CPSC indicates that there has been a steady increase in pool- or spa-related fatal accidents, with nearly 400 deaths last year. Residential pool accidents account for over 70% of these deadly accidents. Additionally, the data reveals that there have been almost 7,000 pool or spa-related emergency department nonfatal child drowning visits between 2017 and 2019.

Maine pool owners, caregivers, and parents should adhere to pool safety guidelines to prevent these types of accidents. Pool Safely, a national public education campaign, provides individuals with steps to reduce these incidences. The instructions advise parents to never leave a child unattended near or in the water. Parents should designate an adult watcher to vigilantly watch children while they are around water. These individuals should refrain from reading, using their phones, or engaging in potentially distracting activities. Pool owners should install fences and self-latching gates, and their pools should comply with all federal safety standards.

Despite these safety regulations and guidelines, drownings continue to occur at an alarming rate. When these tragic occurrences happen, parents and family members may be able to hold negligent pool owners liable for their damages. In these cases, responsible parties may include a residential pool owner, a public pool operator, or a private pool club owner. Depending on the type of accident and injury, the claims may stem from negligence, product liability, or premises liability.

Certain accidents may not arise from a pool owner’s negligence. For example, guests who disobey warnings and engage in risky behavior may have a difficult time holding the pool owner liable. However, swimming pool owners may still be held responsible if they do not equip their pools with safety equipment, fail to have warning signs, or do not have adequate supervision.

Have You Suffered Injuries in a Maine Swimming Pool Accident?

If you or someone you know has been injured or lost their life in a Maine swimming pool or spa accident, the attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates may be able to assist you in getting compensation for your damages. The attorneys at our law firm have a successful history of recovering damages for Maine injury victims. Our attorneys understand how devastating Maine swimming pool accidents can be, especially those involving children. We work to ensure that our clients receive top-notch representation to help them towards recovery. Contact our office at 1-800-804-2004 to schedule a free initial consultation with a Maine premises liability attorney at our firm.

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