
Articles Posted in Portland wrongful death attorney


Estate of Summers v. Nisbet – Maine High Court Restores Widow’s Priority in Fire Death Lawsuit

The Maine Supreme Judicial Court has addressed a blind spot in case law regarding which victims may claim a defendant’s money and assets in a case involving multiple individuals who are equally harmed.  The case of Estate of Summers v. Nisbet stems from the deadliest fire in Maine in over 40 years.…


Metro Prop. & Cas. Inc. Co. v. Estate of Benson – Compensation for Fatal Criminal Attack

When serious or fatal injuries are caused by another person’s negligence, the victim and/or surviving family have a right to pursue compensation for their losses. However, when the injuries sustained are the result of an intentional act, collecting becomes a more complicated matter. The reason is that while victims are…


Maine Toddler Dies of E. Coli Bacteria Infection, Father Blames Petting Zoo

The father of a 21-month-old boy says their child died in a Portland hospital after falling ill a week after a visit to the Oxford County Fair. The child was diagnosed with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, which is a disease born of E. coli, a bacteria that’s typically found in the…

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